Access panel removed so you can get better look of what I had just brushed past.
Here, Mark is preparing to remove this beastie with my kitchen tongs...yuk...he has already pried him out of his snug little space. Be gone snake!
My hero! Destroyer of all things creepy and crawlie. Normally I don't mind snakes...but not on the way to my dye studio! Alas, this snake is now in snake heaven...don't want a pine snake making its home in yours or else you get lots and lots of baby pine snakes who, in turn will make more baby snakes.......
You can bet the ladies who will be arriving at around 9 a.m. tomarrow will be very, very glad this dude (or dudette) is gone! :-)
Eeeeekkkkk!! I would have FREAKED!!
Sounds like you handled it with perfect grace though!
Double yikes!!
Whoa! I hate snakes! You would've heard me scream from Norhtern Illinois!
Our "rule" is, if it's outside, it's in it's house, so leave it alone (plus, anything that eats mice is great in my book!)
but inside is a whole
'nother story!
Not a good roommate.
Whew! Your hubby is a handy fellow to have around. LOL
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