Wednesday, May 21, 2008


...AND THE WINNER IS.....LIZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You have won the 6 fat quarters of hand dyed fabric! Congradulations! Ah.......the butterfly block is for our guild monthy block exchange. It was my turn to come up with a block. It is on a sky blue mottled hand dye I did a long time ago. In fact, I have lots of this stuff and am going to make Victoria (Nana's girl) a bed size quilt with these blocks.
This has been fun and will probably do again, maybe with a different type of dyeing or keep checking me out :-)

I am off to Iron Mountain today to get some stuff for the deck Mark is going to build this weekend and some craft stuff for me and maybe a stop by my favorite garden center. I am bummed...I think I put out my fuchsias too soon. It is almost ten o'clock and it is only 38. It snowed Sunday morning for a couple hoping I didnt kill them after all the pampering I gave them this winter. Only time will tell.

Okay Liz, I need your address info so I can send you your fabric. Everyone have a great day!
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Liz said...

Wow! I can't believe I won!!! I am SO excited! Thank you! Now I just need to find a special project to use them in.

Tipper said...

Congrats to Liz! And I hope your flowers are o.k. Snow on Sunday-poor you.

cinnamongirl93 said...

Congrad's to lynn!
Sorry to hear about your snow! What a bummer!

Harbor Hon said...

Congratulations Liz! Can you send some of that snow here? We didn't have much of a winter. xxoo