I am upset with the post office, i sent three boxes on Jan 14. One to Max in SLC and he got it in three days but the box to Mikko and the other to Victoria are still lost in space. I went to the post office and was told tough titties since I didn't buy a delivery confirmation. It is so weird that BOTH packages to Hawaii are missing. One I could maybe understand, but BOTH!!!!!!!! Hopefully they will turn up soon.
It is 42 and rainy and everything is slick as glass. But it is supposed to snow in the next day or two so all this yukky brown slush and ice will get covered up with a pretty new blanket of snow. The new squirrel preventers are working like a charm 4" x 5' sheet metal heating duct material. They cannot get their little fingernails into it and cannot wrap their arms the 4" width...yippee... nothing makes me smile more than a yard of frustrated squirrels.
Heh heh..."nothing makes me smile more than a yard of frustrated squirrels." Wow...two years ago, if I were to tell you you'd be making that pronouncement one day, you would never have believed me. My, how our priorities have changed. My, my.
Thanks for the info on the fish. If I ever need some squirrel info, I'll be sure to contact you before I blog....hee hee....
Can't locate your email, so I'll answer your email on your comments! Oh...I know you weren't harrassing me...I think it's funny. I COULD look these things up, you know...I think I get more comments when I'm wrong about something, so it's fun!!! Ha! I already made a disclaimer a while back not to expect accuracy on MY blog!
I thought the shot of Victoria at the frame was so precious! I guess I just got carried away about the squirrel thing...so funny. So cute how she grabbed a needle and just became one of the "gals." You're teaching her well! Are you teaching her to despise squirrels, too?
Naturally! She sees them stealing the food for the birds and that is it! She was attempting to hand feed them this winter, i think she will have luck this summer. I will also remove all the feeders and she can sit quietly holding a small pan of seeds eventually going to her hand if she wishes. mikko says they are going back to the old school schedule, three months summer and all so maybe i will get her for a month again this summer....After a week of warm weather (high 30s) it is snowing again. real lite stuff, looks like salt on the deck but weare going to get lots more...
Victoria looks like she's a natural!
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